Monday, 28 February 2011

New bike racks

By now, you've all seen the new bike racks in Sulina and Morrish road. Charmian spotted the first bike using them:
This is part of a range of traffic novelties in our streets, with bigger changes (CPZ, etc.) probably coming in the Summer.

As for the bike racks, I suggest we consider painting them and making them more attractive. The "hostpital white" is really not my taste. What do you think?


Sunday, 20 February 2011

Notice: next residents meeting: Tuesday Feb 22, 8pm

Usual place and usual time. Do come along. We'll discuss the parking zone, the latest bike racks and any other matters.

Tuesday February 22nd, 8 pm at All Saints Church Hall, top of Lyham Rd.

Thursday, 17 February 2011

Graffiti 1 - Sofa 0

Street art on the billboard on Streatham Place. Who's seen it? It was already covered up this evening...

More here: