Howdy. The Residents Association invites you to…
All welcome – please bring a donation, a drink, food for the barbecue
Bring friends, relax and meet your neighbours!
This year’s party theme is ‘COUNTRY & WESTERN’
Dressing up encouraged – prize for the best outfit!
Enter our Scarecrow competition – prize for the best scarecrow outside your house in the morning – for ideas on how to make one, see: (see Join In for instructions).
Our usual stalls: Tombola, Guess the Weight of the Cake, Freecycle and more…
Bandanna making (donated material welcome), face painting, street games
Alternative Health practitioners – a small charge will be made
Our own Residents band
Balham Ukelele Society
And we hope to have a go at Line Dancing!
Please volunteer and help by
Preparing the street from 10 am , sweeping & putting up bunting
Put out garden tables, pasting tables, tablecloths, chairs, whatever you have…
Bring food and drink enough to share – for the BBQ (meat/vegetarian), a salad, a pudding or favourite dish – charcoal for the BBQ
Donate small gift items for the tombola to Duncan and Aoife at 39 Sulina Road before or on the day
Can you make a cake (or apple or cherry pie?) for Guess the Weight of the Cake?
Sulina Road will be closed from 10 am to 8 pm
It would be great to have the entire length of the street for our activities and for the children to play safely.